Monday, March 12, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap

So I have been meaning to make this stuff for forever, but we all know how life goes and I wish I would have done it sooner! IT IS SOOO EASY! Me and Ry did it in less than a half hour. It was fun and Ry loved stirring the mixture, it smelled so fresh and clean. I borrowed the recipe from here It has great instructions. I also took some of my own pictures and have instructions.


1 4lb box BORAX
2 2lb box Arm and Hammer Baking Soda
1 box Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (3lbs 7 oz)
3 bars Fels-Naptha soap
1 container OxyClean or store brand(3.5 lbs)

Plus a crappy grater- I found one at Dollar Tree
And a 5 gallon bucket- I get my buckets from work (Smith's Bakery, frosting buckets) They usually just throw them away, so ask them if they have some!

Start by mixing all of the powdered ingredients in a 5 gallon bucket

Then take your grater and start grating your soap. This is the part that takes the longest, maybe 10 minutes MAX!

I just threw the grated soap into the bucket with everything else put the lid on TIGHT and let the kids push it around for a bit. They thought is was fun mixing it all up. This is what it looks like!

Use 1 tablespoon of detergent per load.
The OxyClean container came with a small scoop! (How convenient!)

All of this stuff I found just at Smith's either in the laundry isle and baking isle. Most was on the top shelf.

It was a GRAND Total of: $21.62 plus tax

Individual Prices:
BORAX- $5.19
Baking Soda- $1.89 x2
Washing Soda- $3.59
Fels-Naptha Soap- $1.69 x3
Store Brand OxyClean- $3.99 (Brand name was about $10)

Pretty good price!